This page last changed on Sep 08, 2011 by stepheneb.

otrunk irc channel logging:

The irc logger is a perl application that depends on the Net::IRC perl module. It's licensed under the GPL and the subversion code repository is located here:

Set the Channel Topic

If you are a Channel Administrator you can set the channel topic. This is a line displayed at the top of a channel by IRC client. It usually contains useful urls.

In the Mac OS X IRC client Colloquy if you CTRL-click on the otrunk channel, select "Get Info" and the Topic tab:

This can also be done firectly in the chat channel with this command:

/msg ChanServ TOPIC #otrunk wiki: irc log:

irc channel administration on

List users and access privileges:

/msg ChanServ ACCESS #otrunk LIST

Entry Nickname/Host          Flags
----- ---------------------- -----
1    christel               +votsriRfA (MANAGER) [modified 2 days, 00:15:32 ago]
2    stepheneb              +voOtsriRfAF [modified 2 days, 00:15:32 ago]
3    psndcsrv               +voOtsriRfA [modified 19 minutes, 1 second ago]
4    sfentress              +voOtsriRfA [modified 2 seconds ago]

Changing the ACCESS status for the user psndcsrv (nick: aunger) to MANAGER with auto promotion to channel OP on login:

/msg ChanServ ACCESS #otrunk ADD psndcsrv MANAGER
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #otrunk psndcsrv +O


  +v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
  +V - Enables automatic voice.
  +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
  +O - Enables automatic op.
  +s - Enables use of the set command.
  +i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
  +r - Enables use of the unban command.
  +R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
  +f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
  +t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
  +A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
  +F - Grants full founder access.
  +b - Enables automatic kickban.

Setting the default channel topic:

  /msg ChanServ TOPICAPPEND #otrunk


/msg ChanServ help commands

  The following commands are available:
  AKICK          Manipulates a channel's AKICK list.
  UNBAN          Unbans you on a channel.
  CLEAR          Channel removal toolkit.
  COUNT          Shows number of entries in access lists.
  DROP          Drops a channel registration.
  FLAGS          Manipulates specific permissions on a channel.
  GETKEY        Returns the key (+k) of a channel.
  HELP          Displays contextual help information.
  INFO          Displays information on registrations.
  INVITE        Invites you to a channel.
  OP            Gives channel ops to a user.
  DEOP          Removes channel ops from a user.
  RECOVER        Regain control of your channel.
  REGISTER      Registers a channel.
  SET            Sets various control flags.
  STATUS        Displays your status in services.
  TAXONOMY      Displays a channel's metadata.
  TEMPLATE      Manipulates predefined sets of flags.
  TOPIC          Sets a topic on a channel.
  TOPICAPPEND    Appends a topic on a channel.
  TOPICPREPEND  Prepends a topic on a channel.
  VOICE          Gives channel voice to a user.
  DEVOICE        Removes channel voice from a user.
  WHY            Explains channel access logic.
  ACCESS        Manipulates channel access lists.


/msg ChanServ help FLAGS

  Help for FLAGS:

  The FLAGS command allows for the granting/removal of channel
  privileges on a more specific, non-generalized level. It
  supports both nicknames and hostmasks as targets.

  When only the channel argument is given, a listing of
  permissions granted to users will be displayed.

  Syntax: FLAGS <#channel>

  Otherwise, an access entry is modified. A modification may be
  specified by a template name (changes the access to the
  template) or a flags change (starts with + or -). See the
  TEMPLATE help entry for more information about templates.

  If you are not a founder, you may only manipulate flags you
  have yourself, and may not edit users that have flags you
  don't have. For this purpose, +v grants +V, +o grants +O
  and +r grants +b.

  If you do not have +f you may still remove your own access
  with -*.

  Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask template]
  Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask flag_changes]

      +v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
      +V - Enables automatic voice.
      +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
      +O - Enables automatic op.
      +s - Enables use of the set command.
      +i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
      +r - Enables use of the unban command.
      +R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
      +f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
      +t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
      +A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
      +F - Grants full founder access.
      +b - Enables automatic kickban.

  The special permission +* adds all permissions except +b and +F.
  The special permission -* removes all permissions including +b and +F.

      /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo
      /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!* VOP
      /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!* -V+oO
      /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!* -*
      /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo +oOtsi
      /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo TroubleUser!*@* +b


/msg ChanServ help TEMPLATE

  Help for TEMPLATE:

  The TEMPLATE command allows definition of sets of flags,
  simplifying the use of the FLAGS command.

  Without arguments, network wide templates are shown.
  These include at least SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP.

  Syntax: TEMPLATE

  When given only the channel argument, a listing of
  templates for the channel will be displayed.

  Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel>

  Otherwise, a template is modified. A modification may be
  specified by a template name (copies the template) or a
  flags change (starts with + or -, optionally preceded by
  an !). Templates cannot be the empty set (making a
  template empty deletes it).


/msg ChanServ help ACCESS

  Help for ACCESS:

  The ACCESS command allows displaying and changing
  privileges on channels.

  The LIST subcommand displays a list of users and
  their privileges.

  Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> LIST

  The ADD subcommand adds a user to the access list
  or changes their privileges if they were already on
  the access list.

  If the level field is specified, it specifies the
  privileges to grant, see the FLAGS and TEMPLATE
  help files. If not, the user will be given
  privileges appropriate for day-to-day management
  of the channel.

  Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> ADD <nickname> [level]

  The DEL subcommand removes a user from the access list.

  Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> DEL <nickname>

      /msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo LIST
      /msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo ADD bar OP
      /msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo DEL bar



/msg ChanServ help OP


  These commands perform status mode changes on a channel.

  If you perform an operation on another user, they will be
  notified that you did it.

  If the last parameter is omitted the action is performed
  on the person requesting the command.

  Syntax: OP|DEOP <#channel> [nickname]
  Syntax: VOICE|DEVOICE <#channel> [nickname]

      /msg ChanServ OP #foo bar
      /msg ChanServ DEVOICE #foo


/msg ChanServ help TOPICAPPEND


  The TOPICAPPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.

  Syntax: TOPICAPPEND <#channel> <topic>

      /msg ChanServ TOPICAPPEND #foo bar

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